Welcome to Bimini! (For Private Charters)
Once we’ve confirmed your trip dates, I make sure you get all your questions and concerns addressed in advance of your arrival, including any assistance you wish with your travel plans.
Then comes the day you finally arrive! Following is a sample itinerary of what your private trip might look like…
Arrival: If its your first time here, I’ll meet you at the airport upon your arrival, and accompany you to your accommodations (typically on North Bimini). As we take the van and water taxi to your home for the next week, you’ll be all eyes and ears as you drink in the local flavor of this small Bahamian island.
Once we get to your home for the week, you’ll have a chance to drop your bags and refresh yourself. Then we’ll grab our swimsuits, snorkel gear and head for the water. Depending on the time of day, we either head for the beach or go right out on the boat.
The Beach: At the beach we enter the beautiful blue Bahamian water, and you get to experience for yourself the magic of the ocean here… It is so blue and warm, an ideal place to luxuriate in the ocean’s embrace.
Here we’ll review your swimming and snorkeling skills. If you don’t already know how, i’ll teach you to swim and snorkel. With the support of one-on-one instruction, learning to snorkel is easy, even for non-swimmers. For those already skilled at snorkeling, I’ll teach you how to freedive, something that the dolphins love! Whatever your current personal comfort level is in the water, we will expand it in a way that is natural, comfortable and relaxing.
Non-Swimmers: In the right environment, learning to swim happens naturally and easily. I frequently have non-swimmers come on my trips, and many of them are comfortably swimming by the end of the week. I give you all the flotation you need to feel 100% safe and comfortable in the water, and, once you realize that you can’t sink, you start to relax, breath easy, realize you’re safe in the water, and start to have fun!
The Boat: More likely, once you’ve changed into your swimsuit, i’ll pick you up in my boat either at the dock or right from the beach in front of your accommodations. Then we head north to the dolphin grounds. Here we cruise the Grand Bahamas Bank, a vast area of turquoise water that is typically 20 to 40 feet deep with sandy bottom and crystal clear waters. On the way out, I share how we like to swim with the wild dolphins. Our interaction with them is based upon mutual joy and respect.
The Dolphins: When we find the dolphins, which is 85+% of the time, we first tag along, see what they’re doing, and match their energy levels. If they’re resting, we relax on the bow of the boat and glide along with them. When they’re ready to play, we get in the water and the magic happens…
Our encounters with the spotted dolphins here are incredible, they love to swim in and around us, looking in our eyes. We stay together as a group, and those that can freedive take a breath and swim toward the bottom. The dolphins love that, and whether you go down ten feet or twenty, they love to swim spirals around you…
Our swims typically last several hours. Depending on the mood they’re in and if you still have enough energy, we might stay with them right into sunset. They frequent swim right beside us, looking deep into our eyes, a look that you’ll remember the rest of your life…
We say goodbye to the dolphins for the day and head back for shore. At your request I can join you for dinner. Over dinner we share highlights of the day. I’ll give you an overview of the next day and we’ll make plans for a time to meet in the morning. After dinner there’s always the option for a beach walk, a visit to one of the local clubs or a full night’s sleep after a full day.
Each succeeding day on Bimini is similar; free time in the morning to relax, take a walk, go for a swim, etc, and in the early afternoon we are back out on the water. Whether we go to swim with the dolphins again (and again and again) or the sharks or the stingrays is entirely up to you. Every day is full of adventure and there’s plenty to see and do here.
Some people come with a plan to swim with the dolphins once, then the sharks and rays. Then, after their first swim with the dolphins, they want to swim with them every day! Others mix it up a bit, with a day or two with the sharks or the stingrays.
Spending hours each day on the boat and in the water, your appreciation for the dolphins and the sea grows. So does your swimming and snorkeling skills! After a few days, your body starts to feel more alive, you find yourself relaxing in a deep, natural way, and your outlook on life naturally improves. You are feeling great!
If we have days where the weather is too rough we can explore the island life here on land. I have a golf cart and will take you on some tours of the island where we can visit some of the lesser known spots.
Last day of the trip: Most flights leave Bimini around noon. If you wish we can do an early morning boat trip, visit another deserted beach or go for a snorkel at the beach out front. When you’re ready to depart I’ll bring you to the local water taxi for your trip to the airport.
Lodging & Meal Options: Some guests enjoy staying up at the Hilton Resort on the north end of the island and some prefer to stay in the local end of the island. Depending on availability I can recommend a couple of local lodging options including condos and private homes. I can put you in touch with a cook to come in or you can bring some of your own food. I can also take you to the local grocery store when you arrive. Most people bring some food with them and go out for a few meals. There’s a number of small take out places and restaurants nearby where you can get breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Land of Atlantis: Bimini also has a mystical side, and has been regarded by researches the world over as the site of the lost cities of Atlantis. Edgar Cayce, the famous ‘Sleeping Prophet of Virginia Beach’, spoke at great length about Bimini. People from around the world come here to visit the famous ‘Stones of Atlantis’ just off Bimini’s western shore and its been the subject of several Jacques Cousteau and National Geographic specials. Its a fifteen hundred foot assembly of stones and we snorkel here to enjoy the abundant fish who live here.
Price: I only do a handful of weeklong trips to Bimini each spring and summer, mostly for returning guests. Subject to availability you can reserve your private 5 day trip for 10k. This gives you up to four days on the boat and my services as your guide during your stay. Additional days are available.
I like to make a connection with interested people over the phone, if you’re interested in coming on a trip, please give me a call or let me know how to reach you. I look forward to speaking with you!